
Remember that all frames can be made to order...
I can create any color, shape or size!

$20 - holds 1 4x6 photo

$20 - holds 1 3.5x5 photo

$20 - holds 1 4x6 photo

$30 - Distressed 5x7 frame with baby blue trim
$30 - Distressed Baby Pink 5x7 frame with white flower embellishments
$30 - Distressed gray frame that holds 3 - 4x6 photos

$25 - pink & white distressed 4x6 frame with baby pink bow
$25 - pink distressed 4x6 with white bow
$20 - 4x4 distressed turquoise frame
$20 - 4x4 distressed brown and baby blue frame
$25 - 4x6 distressed gray frame with hot pink ribbon
$25 - 4x6 distressed brown frame with baby pink ribbon
$10 - Mint Green with Ivory Polka Dots & Ribbon
3.5" X 3.5" picture opening